Mystery Book Reviews

Alphabetical by Title


The Accidental Alchemist by Gigi Pandian

The Alchemist of Monsters and Mayhem by Gigi Pandian

The Antique Hunter’s Guide to Murder by C.L. Milller

Artifact by Gigi Pandian

As the Christmas Cookie Crumbles by Leslie Budewitz


Barbacoa, Bomba, and Betrayal by Raquel V. Reyes

The Body in the Paddy Field by Nadishka Aloysius

The Burglar Who Met Fredric Brown by Lawrence Block

Butter off Dead by Leslie Budewitz


Case of the Bleus by Korina Moss

The Christmas Appeal by Janice Hallett

Coconut Drop Dead by Olivia Matthews

Crime Rib by Leslie Budewitz

Curse of Bronze (A short story) by Tansy Rayner Roberts


Death and the Conjuror by Tom Mead

Death by Irish Whiskey by Catie Murphy

Death of a Master Chef by Jean-Luc Bannalec

A Disappearance in Fiji by Nilima Rao


Easter Basket Murder by Leslie Meier, Lee Hollis, and Barbara Ross


Fatal First Edition by Jenn McKinlay


The Gift of the Magpie by Donna Andrews

Gone with the Witch by Angela M. Sanders


Having a Fudgy Christmas Time by Nancy Coco

Hercule Poirot’s Silent Night by Sophie Hannah

Hop Scot by Catriona McPherson


In Sunshine or in Shadow by Rhys Bowen and Clare Broyles

Irish Milkshake Murders by Carlene O’Connor, Peggy Ehrhart, and Liz Ireland

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Murder by Maria DiRico


The Lady with the Gun Asks the Questions by Kerry Greenwood

Let it Crow! Let it Crow! Let it Crow! by Donna Andrews


Murder at a Scottish Castle by Traci Hall

Murder at an Irish Chipper by Carlene O’Connor

Murder by Invitation by Verity Bright

Murder Checks Out by Victoria Gilbert

Murder in the Bookshop by Anita Davison

Murder in the Tea Leaves by Laura Childs

Murder on Mistletoe Lane by Clara McKenna

The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie


A Necessary Evil by Abir Mukherjee


The Pierogi Peril by Geri Krotow

The Proof of the Pudding by Rhys Bowen


A Smoking Bun by Ellie Alexander

Sticks and Scones by Ellie Alexander


Tied up in Tinsel by Ngaio Marsh

Treble at the Jam Fest by Leslie Budewitz

A Trifle Dead by Livia Day

A Twisted Skein by Sally Goldenbaum

Two Parts Sugar, One Part Murder by Valerie Burns


What Time the Sexton’s Spade Doth Rust by Alan Bradley

Alphabetical by Author


Alexander, Ellie – A Smoking Bun

Alexander, Ellie – Sticks and Scones

Aloysius, Nadishka – The Body in the Paddy Field

Andrews, Donna – The Gift of the Magpie

Andrews, Donna – Let it Crow! Let it Crow! Let it Crow!


Bannalec, Jean-Luc – Death of a Master Chef

Block, Lawrence – The Burglar Who Met Fredric Brown

Bowen, Rhys and Clare Broyles – In Sunshine or in Shadow

Bowen, Rhys – The Proof of the Pudding

Bradley, Alan – What Time the Sexton’s Spade Doth Rust

Bright, Verity – Murder by Invitation

Budewitz, Leslie – As the Christmas Cookie Crumbles

Budewitz, Leslie – Butter off Dead

Budewitz, Leslie – Crime Rib

Budewitz, Leslie – Treble at the Jam Fest

Burns, Valerie – Two Parts Sugar, One Part Murder


Childs, Laura – Murder in the Tea Leaves

Christie, Agatha – The Mysterious Affair at Styles

Coco, Nancy – Having a Fudgy Christmas Time


Davison, Anita – Murder in the Bookshop

Day, Livia – A Trifle Dead

DiRico, Maria – It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Murder


Gilbert, Victoria – Murder Checks Out

Goldenbaum, Sally – A Twisted Skein

Greenwood, Kerry – The Lady with the Gun Asks the Questions


Hall, Traci – Murder at a Scottish Castle

Hallett, Janice – The Christmas Appeal

Hannah, Sophie – Hercule Poirot’s Silent Night


Krotow, Geri – The Pierogi Peril


Marsh, Ngaio – Tied up in Tinsel

Matthews, Olivia – Coconut Drop Dead

McKenna, Clara – Murder on Mistletoe Lane

McKinlay, Jenn – Fatal First Edition

McPherson, Catriona – Hop Scot

Mead, Tom – Death and the Conjuror

Meier, Leslie, Lee Hollis, Barbara Ross – Easter Basket Murder

Miller, CL – The Antique Hunter’s Guide to Murder

Moss, Korina – Case of the Bleus

Mukherjee, Abir – A Necessary Evil

Murphy, Catie – Death by Irish Whiskey


O’Connor, Carlene, Peggy Ehrhart, Liz Ireland – Irish Milkshake Murders

O’Connor, Carlene – Murder at an Irish Chipper


Pandian, Gigi – The Accidental Alchemist

Pandian, Gigi – The Alchemist of Monsters and Mayhem

Pandian, Gigi – Artifact


Rao, Nilima – A Disappearance in Fiji

Rayner Roberts, Tansy – Curse of Bronze (A short story)

Reyes, Raquel V. – Barbacoa, Bomba, and Betrayal


Sanders, Angela M. – Gone With the Witch

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Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels