Coconut Drop Dead by Olivia Matthews

Spice Isle Bakery Mystery #3

Publication Date: December 26, 2023


Lyndsay Murray’s dream was to own her own bakery, and with the help of her family she made her dream come true. However, since the bakery opened, she has been involved in two murder mysteries, and a local newspaper reporter has dubbed her the Grenadian Nancy Drew. When her cousin Manny’s girlfriend, Camille, is murdered, the police actually request her assistance. They know the local community is more likely to open up to her, and they know because it involves her cousin, she is going to investigate whether they want her help or not.

My Thoughts

This is the first NetGalley Audio book I’ve tried to review, and I confess it’s trickier than I expected. Usually when I’m reading to review, I take notes as I read, and that’s harder when I’m listening because my hands are usually busy with something else. However, I very much enjoyed this book.

The narrator was excellent. I loved how distinctly she did the different voices. It was always easy to tell which character was speaking.

The story has very strong and likable characters. I love the Murray family relationships. They are so supportive of one another. Each of them even owns a part of the bakery.

Lyndsay is a very endearing character. She has an MBA, she runs her own business, and she’s a gifted kickboxer. Beyond that, she’s sweet, supportive, and exceptionally loyal to her family. When it comes to asking questions of suspects, she’s not particularly subtle, but she does a good job piecing together information. 

The mystery was interesting, but perhaps not exceptionally complex. I found it easy to identify the culprit, but still found the story enjoyable.

If you love a good culinary mystery, you will enjoy this one. The descriptions of the food were mouth- watering. 

This is the first Olivia Matthews mystery I have read, but I will absolutely be reading more!

My Rating 4/5

I received a free audio recording of this book from NetGalley and Dreamscape Media in exchange for an honest review.

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About the Author

Olivia Matthews is a pseudonym for Patricia Sargeant, who also writes under the name Regina Hart. Olivia Matthews is the name she uses for her three mystery series – the Spice Isle Bakery, the Peach Coast Library, and the Sister Lou mysteries. To learn more about her and her books, be sure to check out her website.

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