Non-Fiction Reviews

Listed Alphabetically by Title

All You Need is Love by Peter Brown and Steven Gaines

Cafe Europa Revisited by Slavenka Drakulic

A Death in Malta by Paul Carauna Galizia

Free by Lea Ypi

George Harrison: The Reluctant Beatle by Philip Norman

Miss O’Dell by Chris O’Dell and Katherine Ketchum

Odette: World War Two’s Darling Spy by Penny Starns

Slavic Kitchen Alchemy by Zuza Zak

Through the Morgue Door by Colette Brull-Ullman

Unbecoming a Lady by Therese Oneill

Listed Alphabetically by Author

Brown, Peter and Steven Gaines – All You Need is Love

Brull-Ullman, Colette – Through the Morgue Door

Drakulic, Slavenka – Cafe Europa Revisited

Galizia, Paul Carauna – A Death in Malta

Norman, Philip – George Harrison: The Reluctant Beatle

O’Dell, Chris and Katherine Ketchum – Miss O’Dell

Oneill, Therese – Unbecoming a Lady

Starns, Penny – Odette: World War Two’s Darling Spy

Ypi, Lea – Free

Zak, Zuza – Slavic Kitchen Alchemy

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