A Smoking Bun by Ellie Alexander

Publication date: February 20, 2024


The week between Christmas and New Year is normally a quiet time in Ashland, Oregon. Not so this year for Jules, who is expecting extended family from Spain for the week. She has planned a midnight snowshoe excursion, a wine tasting, and meals with friends and family. 

The most unusual event of the week is the Downhill Dummy, where different groups and businesses build a dummy, prop it on skis or a snowboard and launch it off of the ski jump at the local ski resort. The crashes are part of the fun. Until someone ends up dead in the wreckage of one of the dummies.

Everyone tells her to relax and focus on her guests, but when the best friend of her barista becomes a prime suspect, Jules knows that she needs to ask some questions.

My Thoughts

This was an exceptionally fun winter mystery. The characters are lovable, the mystery is well-crafted, the writing is engaging, and the plot is well-paced. 

Jules is one of my favorite amateur sleuths. She’s a lovely, kind and compassionate person. Not to mention a talented baker and successful businessperson. She knows how to get people talking, and she reports what she knows to the police. She isn’t the type to take foolish risks, though that doesn’t mean she never finds herself in tricky situations. Her character is also well-rounded and constantly growing and learning. 

The rest of the cast of regulars is equally endearing. If you follow the books through the series, which I have, they become like an extended family. It’s wonderful to spend time with them, and enjoyable to see how they grow. I especially appreciate Jules’ relationship with the Professor. He’s her mother’s husband, the chief of police, and a fascinating character. I love that Jules is able to cooperate with the police rather than having an adversarial relationship. They appreciate the skills she offers.  

The mystery kept me guessing. There were numerous clues and red herrings, and just the right number of suspects. I had a favorite suspect early on, but the story had me doubting myself all the way to the end.

I love the detail that Alexander puts into her writing. From the pink pompom on little Marta’s hat to Jules’ glittery gold New Year’s Eve skirt, attention to wardrobe helps me visualize the characters. She gives the same attention to location. In my mind, I have clear pictures of the bakery, the town, and the ski lodge.

Most of all, I love the descriptions of the food. I enjoy hearing what everyone is preparing and really appreciate the baking tips included throughout. Because I was reading an eARC, there were no recipes included, but if experience tells me anything, it is that there will be recipes in the back of the book, and they will be delicious! 

I received a free eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

My Rating 4/5

About the Author

To learn more about Ellie Alexander, her writing, her coaching, and her recipes, be sure to check out her amazing website and sign up for her newsletter.

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