Fatal First Edition by Jenn McKinlay

Publication date: February 13, 2024


Lindsey Norris, the director of Briar Creek Public Library, is in Chicago for the annual archivist’s convention with her husband, Sully. After one lecture, she discovers a rare and extremely valuable first edition of Patricia Highsmith’s Strangers on a Train has been placed in her tote bag. She returns the book to the conference director, Henry Standish, but the next day, as they are returning home by train, Henry is found dead, and the book is missing. Lindsay and Sully are determined to figure out what has happened, but the murderer may be watching them.

My Thoughts

A murder on a train filled with librarians during a snow storm. What’s not to love? Even when the suspects were moved off of the train, they were taken to a lovely little seaside community with a charming inn in the middle of a blizzard. So cosy! 

All the characters were nicely developed – even the cat and dog had distinct personalities. Lindsay’s friend group, a wonderful assortment of talented women, is exceptionally loyal and creative. The way in which gossip was telegraphed around town made it feel very authentic to small town living. 

At the start of the book, as the conference director was announcing one of the country’s best book restoration specialists, I thought, wouldn’t it be neat if it was Brooklyn Wainwright, the protagonist of Kate Carlisle’s bibliophile mysteries. And it was! I was thrilled! It was a fun crossover.  

This was a very enjoyable book.

I love Jenn McKinlay’s Hat Shop mysteries and Cupcake Bakery mysteries, so I don’t know how I managed to miss her Library Lovers mystery series. Having discovered it, I will absolutely go back to the beginning and read the whole series!

I received a free eARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. 

My Rating 4/5

About the Author

(Courtesy of the author’s press kit)

Jenn McKinlay is the author of five mystery series, as well as writing romantic comedy, cosy fantasy, and women’s fiction. To learn more about her, be sure to check out her website.

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