Tied Up In Tinsel – Ngaio Marsh

First Published January 1, 1972


It’s Christmastime and Troy Alleyn has been commissioned to paint a portrait of Hillary Bill-Tasman, the landed proprietor of Halberds Manor. Since her husband, Superintendent Roderick Alleyn, is out of the country on business, Troy has been invited to spend the holiday with Bill-Tasman, his fiancée  and their relatives. The atmosphere at the house seems strange and Troy would like to leave as soon as possible, but when the servant of one of the guests vanishes, she suspects something very sinister is at play. When her husband returns unexpectedly, she plans an immediate return to London, but instead Bill-Tasman uses his influence to drag Superintendent Alleyn to Halberds Manor to lead the investigation. 

My Thoughts

This is a very cleverly plotted mystery, and I always love a Christmas mystery in an English manor house. Freshly fallen, and undisturbed snow makes it clear that whatever evil has occurred has come from within the house. The atmosphere is simultaneously festive and foreboding. 

The story is well-paced with a good number of clues and red herrings. The pool of suspects is relatively small, but complicated by the fact that the staff of the manor is made up entirely of ex-convicts who have served time for murder. As always with books by Ngaio Marsh, the wrap-up and conclusion are satisfying. 

My Rating 5/5

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About the Author

Dame Ngaio Marsh (1895-1982) was the author of 32 mystery novels featuring Detective Inspector Roderick Alleyn. Born in New Zealand, she was considered one of the greats of the Golden Age of English mysteries, alongside Agatha Christie and Dorothy Sayers. Though best known as an author, her first love was painting, and she considered herself an artist rather than a writer. She is also credited for her work with the theater in New Zealand.

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